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Schools, Departments & Unit

Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit


The Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit (AEMAU) was established in 1995 and was the first of its kind in Asia. The unit provides clinical, administrative, educational and research excellence in Emergency Medicine.


The unit is currently led by Professor Colin Graham and we continue to advance in several key areas of research including sepsis, trauma, analgesic trials and cardiovascular disease. We continue to foster local and international collaborations with other departments and institutions and we are committed to interdisciplinary research and education.


Along with providing teaching to every undergraduate final year medical student in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, we deliver the Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Science in Prehospital and Emergency Care (PEC). Since 2005, this unique programme has provided our students with the skills, knowledge and competence to provide state-of-the-art care for patients in prehospital and emergency care environments.


The Unit has its own clinical laboratory and dedicated research facilities. We thank all our donors for their support over the years, which have been central to all the achievements we have made so far.


We invite you to get in touch and learn more about our unit and our PEC course. All are welcome to visit our offices on the 2nd Floor of the Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital, or send any comments and questions by e-mail or telephone.


Professor Colin A Graham     
Contact Information
(852) 3505-1033

CUHK Employment
  • Director & Professor of Emergency Medicine, Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit, Department of Surgery
  • Professor (by courtesy), The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
  • Dean of Students, Morningside College

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Major Trauma and Trauma Outcomes
  • Critical Care in the Emergency Department
  • Sepsis Care
  • Emergency Cardiovascular Care
  • Acute Stroke Care
Education & Qualifications



Research Interests
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Major Trauma and Trauma Outcomes
  • Critical Care in the Emergency Department
  • Sepsis Care
  • Emergency Cardiovascular Care
  • Acute Stroke Care


Additional Information


Awards and Honours

  • Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians, 2009
  • Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 2010
  • International Emergency Medicine Development Award, American College of Emergency Physicians, 2013
  • Honorary Fellow, European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2019
  • Fellow, International Federation for Emergency Medicine, 2020

Professional Service

  • Honorary Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong (since 2008)
  • Councillor, Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (2013-2019, and 2020 to present)
  • Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Southern Denmark (since 2016)
  • Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Emergency Medicine (2009-2019)
  • Editorial Board member of multiple emergency medicine journals and peer reviewer for more than 30 medical journals

Academic Engagement in CUHK

  • Programme Director, PgDip and MSc in Prehospital and Emergency Care, CUHK
  • GPS Mentor, Faculty of Medicine
  •  Senior Management Group, Morningside College
  • Chair, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, Morningside College
  • Member, Senate Committee on University Scholarships
Research and Publications

Selected Publications


  • Hung KKC, Leung LY, Yeung JHH, Wong TK, Yiu TY, Leung YK, Chan LPS, Wong JKS, Leung MPS, Goggins WB, Chan DYC, Lui CT, Ng WK, Ho HF, Cheng CH, Cheung NK, Graham CA. Return to work after injury in Hong Kong: prospective multi-center cohort study. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2022;48:3287-3298. doi: 10.1007/s00068-022-01899-x.
  • Hung KKC, Walline JH, Chan EYY, Huang Z, Lo ESK, Yeoh EK, Graham CA. Health service utilization in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic – a cross-sectional public survey. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2022;11:508-513. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.183.
  • Hung KCK, Lai CY, Yeung JHH, Maegele M, Chan PSL, Leung M, Wong HT, Wong JKS, Leung LY, Chong M, Cheng CH, Cheung NK, Graham CA. RISC II is superior to TRISS in predicting 30-day mortality in blunt major trauma patients in Hong Kong. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2022;48:1093-1100. doi: 10.1007/s00068-021-01667- Epub 2021 Apr 26. PMID: 33900416.
  • Lai CY, Maegele M, Yeung JHH, Lefering R, Hung KCK, Chan PSL, Leung M, Wong JKS, Graham CA, Cheng CH, Cheung NK. Major Trauma Care in Hong Kong and Germany: a trauma registry data benchmark study. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2021;47:1581-1590. doi: 10.1007/s00068-020-01311-6. PMID: 32128612.
  • Kelly AM, Kuan WS, Chu KH, Kinnear FB, Keijzers G, Karamercan MA, Klim S, Wijeratne T, Kamona S, Graham CA, Body R, Roberts T, Horner D, Laribi S; and the HEAD Study Group. Epidemiology, investigation, management, and outcome of headache in emergency departments (HEAD study) - a multinational observational study. Headache 2021;61:1539-1552. doi: 10.1111/head.14230. PMID: 34726783.
  • Chan EW, Lao KSJ, Lam L, Tsui SH, Lui CT, Wong CP, Graham CA, Cheng CH, Chung TS, Lam HF, Ting SM, Knott JC, Taylor DM, Kong DCM, Leung LP, Wong ICK. Intramuscular midazolam, olanzapine, or haloperidol for the management of acute agitation: A multi-centre, double-blind, randomised clinical trial. EClinicalMedicine 2021;32:100751. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100751.
  • Graham CA, Leung LY, Lo RSL, Yeung CY, Chan SY, Hung KKC. NEWS and qSIRS superior to qSOFA in the prediction of 30-day mortality in emergency department patients in Hong Kong. Annals of Medicine 2020;52:403-412.
  • Kuo YH, Chan NB, Leung JMY, Meng H, So AMC, Tsoi KKF, Graham CA. An integrated approach of machine learning and systems-thinking for waiting time prediction in an emergency department. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2020;139:104143.
  • Graham CA, Leung LY, Lo RSL, Lee KH, Yeung CY, Chan SY, Cattermole GN, Hung KKC. Agreement between capillary and venous lactate in emergency department patients: prospective observational study. BMJ Open 2019;9(4):e02610 doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026109.
  • Kelly AM, Keijzers G, Klim S, Graham CA, Craig S, Kuan WS, Jones P, Holdgate A, Lawoko C, Laribi S; AANZDEM Study Group. An Observational Study of Dyspnoea in Emergency Departments: The Asia, Australia, and New Zealand Dyspnoea in Emergency Departments Study (AANZDEM). Academic Emergency Medicine 2017;24:328-336.
Brief CV


    Research ID | ORCID | ResearchGate | Google Scholar


    Professor HUNG Kei Ching, Kevin     

    Contact Information

    (852) 3505-1034

    CUHK Employment
    • Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit
    • Associate Professor (by courtesy), The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care

    • Emergency Medicine
    • Major Trauma and Trauma Outcomes
    • Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM)


    Education & Qualifications

    MBChB(CUHK), MRCSEd, FHKCEM, FHKAM(Emergency Medicine), FRCEM, MPH, MD(CUHK)

    Research Interests
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Major Trauma and Trauma Outcomes
    • Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health EDRM)


    Research and Publications

    Selected Publications

    • Hung KK, Kifley A, Brown K, Jagnoor J, Craig A, Gabbe B, Derrett S, Collie A, Dinh M, Gopinath B, Cameron ID. Psychological distress, pain and insurance claims negatively affect long-term health-related quality of life after road traffic injuries. J Rehabil Med. 2022
    • Hung KK, Leung LY, Yeung JH, Wong TK, Yiu TY, Leung YK, Chan LP, Wong JK, Leung MP, Goggins WB, Chan DY. Return to work after injury in Hong Kong: prospective multi-center cohort study. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2022 Feb 17:1-2.
    • Hung KK, Walline JH, Chan EY. Health service utilization in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic–a cross-sectional public survey. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2020.
    • Hung KKC, Graham CA, Lo RSL, Leung YK, Leung LY, Man SY, Woo WK, Cattermole GN, Rainer TH. Oral paracetamol and/or ibuprofen for treating pain after soft tissue injuries: single centre double-blind, randomised controlled clinical trial. PLoS One. 2018;13(2):e0192043.
    • Hung KKC, Chan YY, Cocks RA, Ong R, Rainer TH, Graham CA. Predictors of diversions and deaths for in-flight medical emergencies in commercial aviation. JAMA Intern Med 2010;170(15):1401-1402


    Brief CV


    Research ID | ORCID | ResearchGate | Google Scholar