Feature Story
”QuickCAS: An easy-to-use analysis system for quick detection of infectious pathogens in clinical samples” by CU Medicine and Faculty of Engineering, was awarded Bronze Medal in the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2021. Details of the project are as follows:
“As the COVID-19 pandemic rages worldwide, rapid testing with automated detection systems is urged for effective diagnosis and infection control. Delayed diagnosis not only further burden the healthcare system but might also cost patients’ life.
The newly invented system - QuickCAS is a rapid, fully automated and accurate pathogen detection system using a revolutionary microrobotic sensing technology, benefitting both clinicians and patients.
QuickCAS aims to prevent infectious outbreak and saving lives by providing clinicians/patients with instant, accurate and effortless diagnosis through innovative microrobotic technology. The microrobots can be designed to detect various toxin/virus/bacteria with high selectivity.
In addition to speed, cost and automation advantages, the technology requires no specialists. The automated process reduces the infection risk of technician during detection due to minimised exposure.”
Members: Professor Li ZHANG, Drs Lidong YANG and Wai Shing LIU, from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Professor Joseph SUNG, Emeritus Professor of CUHK; Dr. Sunny WONG, from the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; Professor Philip CHIU and Dr Kai Fung CHAN, from the Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine; Professor Margaret IP, Department of Microbiology, CU Medicine.