Professor MA Ching Wan, Ronald
Associate Dean (External Affairs)
S.H. Ho Professor of Diabetes
Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
CUHK Employment
- Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Medicine
- S.H. Ho Professor of Diabetes
- Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
- Head, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes
- Professor (by Courtesy), School of Biomedical Sciences
- Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
- Co-director, CUHK-SJTU Joint Research Centre in Diabetes Genomics and Precision Medicine
- Steering Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity
- Diabetes
- Diabetic complications
- Diabetes epidemiology
- Endocrine disorders
Education & Qualifications
BA (Cantab), MB BChir (Cantab), MA (Cantab), MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lond)
Research Interests
- Epidemiology of diabetes
- Genetics of diabetes and diabetic complications
- Gestational diabetes and intra-uterine programming, epigenetics
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
Additional Information
Award & Honour
- Outstanding Fellow of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014
Professional Service
- Board Member, Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD)
- Member, The Lancet Clinical Commission on Diabetes
- Board Member, International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
- Member, International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Pregnancy & Non-Communicable Diseases Committee
- Panel Member, Hong Kong Hospital Authority Central Committee on Genetic Services
- Specialty Board Member of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism and Council Member, Hong Kong College of Physicians
- Member, Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong
- Member, Editorial Board of PLoS Medicine, Obesity Reviews, Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease (NMCD)
- Regional Editor, Diabetic Medicine
- Assistant Editor, Journal of Diabetes Investigation
Selected Publications
- Ma RC. Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetic Complications in China. Diabetologia 2018, Feb 1. doi: 10.1007/s00125-018-4557-7
- Tam WH, Ma RC, Ozaki R, Li AM, Chan MHM, Yuen LY, Lao TT, Yang X, Ho CS, Tutino GE, Chan JC. In utero exposure to maternal hyperglycemia increases children’s cardiometabolic risk. Diabetes Care 2017, March 9
- Nanditha A, Ma RC, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Chan JC, Chia KS, Shaw JE, Zimmet PZ. Diabetes in Asia and the Pacific: Implications for the Global Epidemic. Diabetes Care, 39(3): 472-485
- Jiang GZ, Hu C, Tam CH, Lau ES, Wang Y, Luk AO, Yang X, Kong AP, Ho JS, Lam VK, Lee HM, Wang J, Zhang R, Tsui SK, Ng MC, Szeto CC, Jia W, Fan X, So WY, Chan JC, Ma RC. Identification of Predictors for Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes by incorporating genetic and clinical variables. Kidney Int 2016; 89(2): 411-20.
- Tutino GE, Tam WH, Yang X, Chan JC, Lao TT, Ma RC. Diabetes and Pregnancy: Perspectives from Asia. Diabet Med 2014; 31(3): 302-18
- Ma RC, Chan JC. Type 2 Diabetes in East Asians: similarities and differences with populations in Europe and the United States. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2013; Apri 1281(1): 64-91
- Ma RC, Hu C, Tam CH, Zhang R, Kwan P, Leung TF, Thomas GN, Go MJ, Hara K, Sim X, Ho JS, Wang C, Li H, Lu L, Wang Y, Li JW, Wang Y, Lam VK, Wang J, Yu W, Kim YJ, Ng DP, Fujita H, Panoutsopoulou K, Day-Williams AG, Lee HM, Ng AC, Fang YJ, Kong AP, Jiang F, Ma X, Hou X, Tang S, Lu J, Yamauchi T, Tsui SK, Woo J, Leung PC, Zhang X, Tang NL, Sy HY, Liu J, Wong TY, Lee JY, Maeda S, Xu G, Cherny SS, Chan TF, Ng MC, Xiang K, Morris AP, DIAGRAM Consortium, Keildson S, The MuTHER Consortium, Hu R, Ji L, Lin X, Cho YS, Kadowaki T, Tai ES, Zeggini E, McCarthy MI, Hon KL, Baum L, Tomlinson BT, So WY, Bao Y, Chan JC, Jia W. Genome-side association study in a Chinese population identifies a susceptibility locus for type 2 diabets at 7q2 near Pax4. Diabetologia 2013; 56(6): 1291-305
- Ma RC, Liu KH, Lam PM, Cheung LP, Tam WH, Ko GT, Chan MH, Ho CS, Lam CW, Chu WC, Tong PC, So WY, Chan JC, Chow CC. Sonographic measurement of mesenteric fat predicts presence of fatty liver among subjects with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011; 96(3): 799-807
- Cho YS, Chen C, Hu C, Long J, Ong RT, Sim X, Takeuchi F, Go MJ, Yamauchi T, Chang Y-C, Kwak SH, Ma RC, Yamamoto K, Adair LS, Aung T, Cai Q, Chang LC, Chen Y-T, Gao Y, Hu FB, Kim H-L, Kim S, Kim YJ, Lee JJ, Lee NR, Li Y, Liu JJ, Lu W, Nakamura J, Nakashima E, Ng DP, Tay WT, Tsai F-J, Wong TY, Yokota M, Zheng W, Zhang R, Wang C, So WY, Ohnaka K, Ikegami H, Hara K, Cho YM, Cho NH, Chang T-J, Bao Y, Hedman AK, Morris AP, McCarthy MI, DIAGRAM Consortium, MuTHER consortium, Takayanagi R, Park KS, Jia WP, Chuang LM, Chan JC, Maeda S, Kadowaki T, Lee J-Y, Wu J-Y, Teo YY, Tai ES, Shu XO, Mohlke KL, Kato N, Han B-G, Seielstad M. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies 8 new loci for type 2 diabetes in East Asians. Nature Genetics 2011; Dec 11; 44 (1): 67-72 (equal contributions YSC, C, CH, RTO, XS, FT, MJG, TY, YC, SHK, RCM, KY)
- Ma RC, Tam CH, Wang Y, Luk AO, Hu C, Yang X, Lam V, Chan AW, Ho JS, Chow CC, Tong PC, Jia W, Ng MC, So WY, Chan JC. Genetic variants of the Protein Kinase C-β1 gene and development of end stage renal disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. JAMA 2010; 304(8): 881-9.